2025 6th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Information and Communication Engineering
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Prof. Akshay Kumar RATHORE

IEEE Fellow

Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore

Akshay Kumar Rathore (IEEE Fellow) is an expert in power electronics and control of electrical motor drives. He received the Gold Medal for  securing  the  highest academic  standing  in his Master’s  degree among  all  electrical  engineering  specializations at Indian  Institute  of  Technology (BHU) Varanasi,  India. He had two subsequent postdoctoral research appointments with the University of Wuppertal, Germany (2008-2009), and the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA (2009-2010).  From November 2010 to February 2016, he served as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical   and   Computer   Engineering, National   University   of Singapore. From March 2016-Dec 2021, he served as an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical   and   Computer   Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada where he was listed in the Provost Circle of Distinction in 2021. He served as Graduate Program Director and Chair of Graduate Awards during 2020-21. His research is mainly focused on the analysis and design of novel current-fed converters (topologies and modulation), soft-switching design and modulation schemes for the dc/dc converters, pulsating DC link (electrolytic capacitorless) inverters, and control of multilevel inverters. He supervised 11 PhD theses and 14 MASc (research) theses. Dr. Rathore is a recipient   of   the   2013   IEEE   IAS   Andrew   W.   Smith Outstanding  Young  Member  Achievement  Award,  2014  Isao Takahashi  Power  Electronics  Award, 2017  IEEE IES  David Irwin Early  Career  Award,  2019 IEEE IES Publications Service Recognition Award, 2020  IEEE  IAS  Outstanding  Area  Chair Award, 2020   IEEE   Bimal   Bose   Award   for   Industrial Electronics  Applications  in  Energy  Systems and 2021 Nagamori Award. He published  about  285 research  papers in  international  journals  and  conferences,  including 96 IEEE  TRANSACTIONS. He is currently serving as a co-Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, the Awards Department Chair of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, AdCom Member-at-Large and Fellow Evaluation Committee member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He is serving as the Chair of IEEE IAS Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems Committee. He led and chaired the IEEE IAS Industrial Automation and Control Committee (2018-19) and IEEE IAS Technical Committee on Transportation Electrification (2016-17). He served as a member of IEEE IES Publications Committee (2016-2021) and IEEE IAS Andrew W Smith Outstanding Young Member Achievement Award Committee (2014-2019). He served as the Chair of IEEE IAS Montreal Chapter from 2017-2021 and received the best Chapter award in 2017 from IEEE Montreal Section for its activities. He served as the Paper Review Chair (eq. to co-EIC) of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (2016-17 and 2020-21), Editor-in-Chief of IEEE IES Technology News (ITeN) (2016-18), Associate Editor of various journals, i.e., IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2014-19), IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (2013-present), IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (2014-19), IEEE Journal of Emerging Selected Topic in Power Electronics (2013-19), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2016-19), IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2014-2021) and IET Power Electronics (2015-19). He edited 5 special issues on the topics of electric transportation, EV charging, marine systems, more electric aircraft, machine learning in power electronics, and renewable energy conversion in different IEEE Transactions as a guest associate editor and as guest-EIC of 2 special issues. He served as the distinguished lecturer (2017-18) and prominent lecturer (2019-21) of the IEEE IAS society.

Speech Title: Connected vehicles-Technologies beyond Electrification

Abstract: Transportation electrification is one of the objectives towards reducing urban pollution and decarbonization. Majority of the nations are now focussing on e-mobility in order to accomplish the goals. However, decarbonization behind battery EV charging is a concern because of the carbon footprint due to the electric power generation. In addition, electrification of gasoline vehicles does not reduce the concerns of traffic congestion and safety on the road. This keynote talk will address the issues of on road safety and traffic congestion by the conceptualisation of connected vehicles. It demands for more electronics instead of more electric technologies in vehicles. The talk will address the technologies, merits as well as challenges behind connected vehicles technologies.


Prof. Yang Yue

SPIE Fellow, IEEE Senior Member

Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

Professor, PhD supervisor, School of Information and Communication Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, SPIE member, IEEE/Optica Senior member, National Young Talent Program candidate, founder of Intelligent Photon Application Technology Laboratory (iPatLab) and current PI. He is committed to the basic and applied research in the field of intelligent photonics such as optical communication, light perception, and optical chips. He received his bachelor's degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology and Master's degree in optics from Nankai University in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and his Doctor's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California in 2012. After graduation, he worked for Silicon Valley Semiconductor Company and network equipment company. In 2021, he was selected into Xi 'an Jiaotong University's "Young Top Talent Support Program". He has published more than 260 papers (including Science), including nearly 20 invited papers, applied for and authorized more than 60 patents (including 25 US patents, 9 European patents, and more than 30 authorized patents), edited 6 English books and 2 English book chapters, and cited more than 10,000 times by Google Academic. He was invited to give more than 200 lectures (including 1 Tutorial,30 Plenary sessions and 50 Keynote sessions). He has presided over nearly 10 national, provincial and ministerial level and enterprise horizontal scientific research projects, with a total fund of more than 10 million yuan. Currently, J. Lightw. Technol is Associate editor of IEEE Access/Frontiers in Physics, editor of Sensors and other 4 academic journals. He has been guest editor of special issues for more than 10 times, chairman of international conferences and members of technical committees for more than 100 times, and reviewer of more than 70 academic journals.

Speech Title: High-speed Modulators Enabled Pluggable Coherent Optics

Abstract: Pluggable optical modules are promoting optical transmission networks in a more efficient and manageable way. For this revolutionary packaged optical engine, integrated photonics is the only possible solution. This talk will introduce the latest industry progress of pluggable optical modules and high-speed integrated photonic modulators, and discuss their development trends and challenges. In addition, we will introduce compact solutions for timing skew and power imbalance in the optical transmitters of coherent pluggable modules.


Prof. Lingfeng Shi

IEEE Senior Member

Xidian University, China

Currently, Professor Lingfeng Shi is primarily involved in research pertaining to sensor signal processing, navigation and positioning, as well as wireless communication. His academic achievements are impressive, having published over 110 academic papers. Notably, more than 70 of these papers have been indexed by SCI, with nearly 20 appearing in top-tier journals of Chinese Academy of Sciences and over 20 published in IEEE journals. Additionally, he has contributed more than 10 papers to prominent international academic journals and conferences. Professor Shi's patent portfolio is also noteworthy, holding over 17 authorized national invention patents, 1 authorized utility model, and having applied for 4 additional national invention patents. Furthermore, he has successfully transferred 2 invention patents. Professionally, Professor Shi holds the distinction of being a Senior Member of IEEE and a member of the Chinese Society of Electronics. He also serves as a reviewer for over a dozen SCI international academic journals, demonstrating his recognition within the academic community. Additionally, he is a reviewer for the Journal of Electronics (both Chinese and English editions), Journal of Posts and Telecommunications of China, and Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China - Engineering Edition. He is also recognized as an award review expert by both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Speech Title: Electronic Information: Sensor Technology Indoor Positioning Technology Based on Smartphones

Abstract: A smartphone based indoor positioning solution is proposed to address the navigation and positioning issues under indoor satellite navigation refusal. This method combines the sensors and communication functions of smartphones to address the indoor location information needs of personnel. The main content of the report discusses the indoor positioning methods and development directions of smartphones, starting from the background significance of indoor positioning and the characteristics of smartphones.


Prof. Ruonan Zhang

          IEEE Senior Member

          Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Ruonan Zhang, professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Electronic Information of Northwestern Polytechnical University, director of Shaanxi Internet of Things Engineering Laboratory, and chairman of "Intelligent Communication Networking and Anti-Interference Technology Professional Committee" of Shaanxi Communication Society, used to work as a chip R&D engineer for MOTOROLA and Freescale Semiconductor. His research interests are wireless channel measurement and modeling, aerospace TT&C and communication, Internet of Things technology and application. He presided over the national key research and development program, the "863 Program" project, the National Natural Science Foundation, the Space Fund, and Huawei's cooperation projects.

Speech Title: Measurement, Modeling, and Simulation of Space-Time Wireless Channels

Abstract: The design and evaluation of transmission links and protocols in wireless communication networks must be based on accurate models of the propagation channels. This report explores the multi-frequency and multi-domain measurement methods, system construction of channel sounders, and the techniques to capture multipath propagation in space-time channels, estimate propagation parameters, and obtain channel characteristics such as large-scale fading, power spectrum, multipath fading distribution, and the propagation parameters in space, time, polarization, and Doppler domains. In addition, we will explore the use of machine learning methods for wireless channel propagation data generation and profile simulation.


Prof.Yandong Gong

Beijing Information Science and Technology University, China

Dr. Yandong Gong received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Beijing Jiaotong University, China in 1993 and 1998 respectively. He had worked in Nanyang Technological University as post-doc during 2000-2002. Later he joined in Institute for Infocomm Research, A-star, Singapore from 2002, then He started Terahertz research. He has built the first polarimetric THz-TDS spectroscopy and imaging system. He has secured multiple national grants and industry projects as PI/Co-PI, and he has licensed several technologies to industries, and he has authored or co-authored more than 300 publications. From Dec 2019, he joined Beijing Information Science and Technology University as full professor, PhD supervisor. He has been awarded a Beijing High Level Talent Program. At present, his group is one of the pioneer groups working on Terahertz polarization measurement domain.

Speech Title: Polarimetric Terahertz Spectroscopy and Key Components

Abstract: Terahertz rays have some unique features in many potential applications, and polarization is its very important EM property. When a conventional THz spectroscopy system is used to measure an unknown anisotropic sample, sometimes it is possible to mis-interpret the polarization filter effect as normal spectral absorption, thus leads to a wrong identification of the sample. In order to overcome such THz polarization test problem, we carried out a comprehensive investigation on the Polarimetric Terahertz Spectroscopy (PTS), from the system level to its key components----achromatic Terahertz polarization waveplate. In addition to those conventional test parameters, PTS will be able to automatically test the State of Polarization of THz wave, as well as all the additional polarization information (including birefringence, PDL and Muller Matrix) of samples across full band). Such a PTS will be a one of the powerful sensing tools and solutions to be used to explore new Terahertz applications.


Prof. Zhongyu Li

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

His research direction is moving target detection and imaging technology with dual/multi-base radar. He has chaired the projects of National Natural Science Foundation, JKW, ZF, etc. He has published more than 40 SCI retrieval papers (16 TOP journals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences). He also published the world's first monograph in the field of dual-base SAR clutter suppression. 25 national invention patents authorized; Served as editorial board member of Modern Radar, chief editor of Radar Science and Technology, and guest editorial board member of journals such as Remote Sensing and Frontiers inSignal Processing. 2022 lEEE Radar Con.APSAR 2019 TPC Member, etc., The relevant achievements will be invited to give invited reports at domestic and foreign academic conferences such as 2022 ICET, 2021 CIE radar Con, APSAR 2019, EIT 2022, Electronic Information Young Scholars Forum, etc. He was selected into the National Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Program, won the "Excellent Doctoral Thesis Award of the Chinese Society of Electronics" in 2018, the "Academic New Talent Award" of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2021, won the "International Radio Science Union Young Scientist Award" in 2022, and won the honorary title of the first National Top ten "Radar Future Stars" in 2022. In December 2022, he was selected into the "School Hundred" program of UESTC and promoted to researcher and doctoral supervisor.

Speech Title: Satellite-Based Passive Radar Maritime Surveillance Technology

Abstract: This report focuses on the passive radar maritime vessel target detection using satellites as opportunistic sources. The detection method and the first experimental results are given in this report. Compared with the active radar, the lack of dedicated transmitters reduces the cost of passive radar. Its bi-/multi-static configuration offers the capabilities of anti-stealth and anti-jamming.